Contact Us

Contact Us about Our Products

Please be careful not to make any mistakes when entering your information. If your e-mail address or phone number is incorrect, we may not be able to reply to your inquiry. When you have finished, please click the Confirm button below.

E-mail replies sent by Mandom are for the benefit of individual customers, and may not be copied or reused in whole or in part.

Product for inquiry

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Product image

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Enter product information or add an attachment

If the product is unclear, please enter any available information (e.g., product name, product characteristics, EAN Code). To inquire about multiple products, input any available information for the second and subsequent products. You can also attach up to three photos you have taken.

Requests for when taking a photograph of a product
  • Image files must be smaller than 3MB.
  • Please send in JPG, PNG or GIF format.
  • You may attach up to 3 image files with each inquiry.
  • Please include information that can be easily used to identify the product in your photograph (e.g. EAN Code, product name, brand name).
Photograph [1]
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Photograph [2]
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Photograph [3]
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Customer Information

Please enter the details in the fields below so we can respond to your inquiry.

Please use numerals only (no hyphens, e.g. 1234567).
Please enter the correct building name or room number.

Please be careful not to make any mistakes when entering your e-mail address as if it is incorrect, we may not be able to reply to your inquiry.

We are afraid we cannot accept the following e-mail addresses, in such cases please enter a different address.
(1) addresses where a dot (period/full stop) precede the @ sign. (e.g. abc.@mandom. jp)
(2) addresses with dots (periods/full stops) next to one another (e.g.

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RequiredPlease re-enter your e-mail address.
RequiredPlease use numerals only (no hyphens, e.g. 123456789).
RequiredEven if you select e-mail only, we may contact you by phone or letter depending on the nature of the inquiry.

Please note that depending on the nature of the inquiry,
a reply may come from a relevant department.