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How should I dispose of an aerosol product (e.g., spray or foam) that still has contents left in the can?

Throwing away an aerosol product without expelling the contents is extremely dangerous: the container may explode or cause a fire.
Expel the contents until the hissing sound of the spray stops, then dispose of the can according to guidelines in your local municipality.
How to expel remaining aerosol content
  1. Always release the contents of an aerosol can outdoors in a well-ventilated place where there are no fire sources present. Never do it indoors, such as at your kitchen sink or in your bathroom as gas may build up and ignite. You will need some newspaper or other waste paper to avoid making a mess.

  2. Read the warnings on the back of the product to determine the type of can.

    A. Can with degassing cap


    B. Can without degassing cap


  3. Point the nozzle at the waste paper and spray the contents out, taking care to avoid breathing in the spray or gas.

    A. Cans with degassing caps
    Expel all the contents by holding down the button until the hissing sound of the gas escaping stops completely.
    Then release the residual gas in accordance with the instructions written on the back of the can. Be sure to use the cap attached to the can and do not stop until the sound of gas escaping stops completely.
    *Using the degassing cap while contents remain in the can may cause the contents to spill and stain or damage objects in the surrounding area.


     How to use the degassing caps

    B. Cans without degassing caps
    Expel all the contents by holding down the button until the hissing sound of the gas escaping stops completely.
    *Never pierce a hole in a can while contents remain inside as this is extremely dangerous.


  4. Expel the contents completely, then dispose of the can according to guidelines for household waste in your local municipality.

    *If you are unable to completely expel the contents (e.g., because the button becomes stuck), please contact Mandom’s Customer Relations Division.

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