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Q&A on Troubleshooting

What should I do if I get hair dyeing product on my clothes?

Hair dye will not wash out of clothes, so please be careful when dyeing your hair. We recommend you try washing the soiled clothes in accordance with each item’s instructions or consult a drycleaner.

How to remove hair dyeing product from clothes.
  1. Cotton (plain white)
    Soak the garment in a solution of chlorine-based bleach and cold or tepid water for 30 to 40 minutes. The longer the dye has been on the garments, the longer you should soak it in the solution.

  2. Cotton (patterned or colored), synthetic material (plain white, patterned, or colored), woolens, and blended fabrics
    We do not recommend soaking in a chlorine-based bleach as this may cause the garment to lose its shape or color, or to shrink.
    Please consult a specialist drycleaner.

To prevent staining when using hair dyeing products the next time

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