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What should I do in cases of accidental contact with eyes?

If you get some of the product in your eyes:
Do not rub your eyes. Rinse immediately with lukewarm water.
Take care not to rinse with excessively strong running water, as this may damage your eye.
If you get a large amount of the product in your eye, if you feel persistent soreness or swelling, if you feel like there is something stuck in your eye, or if your eye accidentally comes into contact with perfume or quasi-drug hair colorants (oxidative hair dyes), rinse your eye for at least 10 minutes in running water. See an eye specialist promptly and make sure you take something that explains the product or its ingredients (e.g., the box it came in).

If you have accidentally swallowed or ingested a product, or it has come into contact with your eyes, please click here for more information.

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