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Q&A on Safety

What is the patch test?

The patch test uses hair dyeing products to determine whether they may cause your skin to develop itching, rashes, irritation or other issues. Apply a small amount of liquid to the inside of your arm and check whether any symptoms appear within 48 hours.
Just as some people are allergic to food and pharmaceutical products, there are people in rare cases who have allergic reactions to cosmetics and quasi-drugs. Testing yourself for such a reaction before you use a product may enable you to better avoid skin issues.
Please be aware that if you have ever developed a rash from hair dye, you should never use it again because you will develop rashes in the future as well.

Patch test to safely try new looks

In recent years, hair dyeing has become a popular part of fashion. Not only is it used to hide gray hair, but to make “dense” hair appear “lighter,” transform a person’s appearance and even expand the range of their style options, to name a few reasons.

Hair dyeing products come in many types, from cosmetics that temporarily color hair to those quasi-drugs that dye for 2 to 3 months, all of which allow you to find the dye you like best and that suits your lifestyle.

At Mandom’s Customer Relations Division, we ask that you always do a patch test before use to ensure you can color your hair safely.


Hair dyes may cause rashes, 
eczema or swelling

Did you know skin issue symptoms may appear on your face or scalp?

Hair dyeing products may, in rare cases, cause itching, skin rashes, eczema, swelling or other allergic reactions.
Some of these products (e.g., permanent hair dyes and oxidation hair dyes) have been reported to more readily cause allergic contact dermatitis than other hair dyes.

This doesn’t mean that hair dyeing products are dangerous, but just as there are foods like flour, eggs and buckwheat that can cause allergies, the physical constitution of some individuals does not suit certain ingredients.


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