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Q&A on Troubleshooting

Why is hairspray so hard to wash out?

The main component of hairspray is resin, so depending on how much you use, it may be difficult to remove with a normal amount of shampoo.

How to remove stubborn hairspray from hair
  • Brush your hair thoroughly before washing.
  • Rinse your hair thoroughly with lukewarm water.
  • Lather bath soap to make a foam and gently massage it into the parts of your hair that have set hard.
  • Rinse your hair thoroughly with lukewarm water.
  • Finish with your usual conditioner and treatment.

*The water you use should be quite warm, so as to soften any hardened waxy bits and make it easier to wash out.
    If the above method doesn’t work fully the first time, just repeat the process and you should get better results.
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