Status of Board Members

Skill Matrix of Directors and Audit & Supervisory Board Members

Mandom acknowledges the importance of a composition of personnel with various business experiences and of diversity when it comes to the composition of the Board of Directors and the Audit & Supervisory Board.
From the standpoint of promoting women’s contribution, we have had one female external director since June 2019. Mami Ito was appointed in June 2023.
Mandom aims to become a global company, and while we currently do not have any foreign national directors or Audit & Supervisory Board members, we acknowledge this as an important issue in order to promote diversity management. The promotion of group management is a key theme under the 14th Middle-Range Planning “MP-14” that we embarked on from this fiscal year. Going forward, our policy is to lead innovation and realize new “Dedication to Service (Oyakudachi)” for society and improved corporate value by proactively promoting diverse human resources, including foreign nationals and female employees, to officers and managerial positions to provide opportunities for them to leverage their talents.
Incidentally, five foreign nationals (including one of whom is an equity-method affiliate) have already served as representative directors of overseas subsidiaries.

Skill Matrix

(As of June 21, 2024)

Selection Rationale for Each Skills Matrix

Skill Selection Rationale
Global Business As the world becomes increasingly globalized in the modern age where information is disseminated at a tremendous pace, there is the need for management personnel armed with extensive experience in overseas management, overseas lifestyle and customs, and the skills and experience to build cooperative relationships with employees, business partners and other internal and external stakeholders anywhere in the world, including Japan, in order to achieve business results.
Marketing With the demands of consumers changing rapidly, achieving Only One marketing that forms the core of our business calls for management personnel who have a high level of understanding of innovative technologies, in addition to basic marketing know-how and skills, and who are able to respond to changes in a flexible manner.
Technology/ Production Mandom requires management personnel with exceptional knowledge in research and production as well as a high understanding of innovative technologies in order to achieve a production system with a high productivity per unit by incorporating various advanced technologies, while ensuring compliance with Mandom’s safety standards (safety quality) and consumer satisfaction (safety quality).
Finance/Accounting Developing financial strategies that allocate resources for implementing growth investments (including M&A) and strengthening shareholder returns to increase corporate value in a sustainable manner while building a strong financial foundation calls for management personnel with sound knowledge and experience in the fields of finance and accounting.
Human Resources/ General Resources Becoming a “human-oriented company” by creating new value through imagining people’s happiness and excitement requires the development of human resources strategies that ensure each employee feels fulfilled with their work and able to maximize their capabilities, and calls for management personnel with a high level of knowledge and a broad perspective in the field of human capital.
Legal Affairs
and Risk Management
Establishing and maintaining a governance system, the foundation for sustainable corporate value enhancement, requires management personnel with sound knowledge and experience in the areas of corporate governance, risk management and compliance are required.
ESG Implementing the Mandom Group’s sustainable management (ESG management + SDGs management), which encapsulates ESG perspectives that are increasingly required of companies in recent years, requires management personnel with a broad perspective and insight and who understand the way social demands evolve, including respect for human rights and the environmental concerns of all stakeholders.
BX/DX Departing from business models of the past and remaining in a position of Oyakudachi (Dedication to Service) with respect to fast and rapidly changing consumer wants and lifestyles requires management personnel with knowledge and skills in IT and DX, and a high level of understanding of innovative technologies.