Editorial Policy/Guidelines (Content Index)

GRI Sustainability Reporting Standards Content Index

GRI 3 Material Topics
The Mandom Sustainability Information website has been developed in accordance with the Core option of the GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) Sustainability Reporting Standards. To provide the active information disclosure expected and demanded by our diverse, wide-range of stakeholders, we are posting information and data on items other than the Core, to the extent it can be aggregated at the present time. For details, please see the following index of content.

GRI 3: Material Topics 2021

3-1 Process to determine material topics
  1. describe the process it has followed to determine its material topics, including:
    1. how it has identified actual and potential, negative and positive impacts on the economy, environment, and people, including impacts on their human rights, across its activities and business relationships;
    2. how it has prioritized the impacts for reporting based on their significance;
  2. specify the stakeholders and experts whose views have informed the process of determining its material topics.
Website Sustainability
Process of Identifying Material Issues (Materiality) in Sustainability
Risk Management Structure
3-2 List of material topics
  1. list its material topics;
  2. report changes to the list of material topics compared to the previous reporting period.
Website Sustainability
Material Issues (Materiality) in Sustainability
3-3 Management of material topics
  1. describe the actual and potential, negative and positive impacts on the economy, environment, and people, including impacts on their human rights;
  2. report whether the organization is involved with the negative impacts through its activities or as a result of its business relationships, and describe the activities or business relationships;
  3. describe its policies or commitments regarding the material topic;
  4. describe actions taken to manage the topic and related impacts, including:
    1. actions to prevent or mitigate potential negative impacts;
    2. actions to address actual negative impacts, including actions to provide for or cooperate in their remediation;
    3. actions to manage actual and potential positive impacts;
  5. report the following information about tracking the effectiveness of the actions taken:
    1. processes used to track the effectiveness of the actions;
    2. goals, targets, and indicators used to evaluate progress;
    3. the effectiveness of the actions, including progress toward the goals and targets;
    4. lessons learned and how these have been incorporated into the organization's operational policies and procedures;
  6. describe how engagement with stakeholders has informed the actions taken (3-3-d) and how it has informed whether the actions have been effective (3-3-e).
Website About Mandom
Risk Management [Basic Policy]
Risk Management [Risk Management Structure]

Website Sustainability
Material Issues (Materiality) in Sustainability
Preventing Global Warming