Sustainability Timeline

The Mandom Group has been engaged in activities related to environmental conservation, social contribution and the Group's corporate governance. The list below highlights some key activities undertaken by the Group.


1. Post of External Audit & Supervisory Board Member established

…Independent outside executives were brought in.


- Initiative to eliminate CFCs from all products launched

…Toward elimination of CFCs from flagship aerosol products


3. A total of 20 flagship foam products were among the first to be granted Eco Mark certification by the Japan Environment Association.

4. Five-day work week system introduced


- Elimination of CFCs from all products completed

…CFCs were eliminated from flagship aerosol products to tackle environmental concerns and protect the ozone layer.

10. Female employees' uniforms abolished


- Fukusaki Factory recognized as Excellent Energy-saving Factory

…The recognition was granted by the Director-General of the Kinki Bureau of International Trade and Industry.


- Fukusaki Factory wins the Best Factory Landscaping Award in the Factory Landscaping Contest

…The award was granted by the governor of Hyogo Prefecture.


6. Post of External Director established

…Independent outside executives were brought in.

8. “Casual Day" introduced (every Wednesday)

…Enabling employees to work in their favorite outfit to save energy, maintain their well-being and improve their work productivity


- Energy Conservation Committee launched

…Full-scale efforts were launched to save energy, go paperless and reduce waste.


4. Group's Code of Conduct established (revised in 2002, 2007, 2011, 2014 and 2018)

…Group's compliance guidelines

8. Environmental Philosophy and Fundamental Environmental Policy established

…Basic principles of environmental initiatives in business activities and product development

10. Fukusaki Factory establishes its Environmental Policies and declares that it has achieved ISO14001 certification

…The factory launched environmental conservation activities based on international standards.

11. Mandom's head office building awarded the Mark of Excellence in Waste Reduction

…Recognized by the Osaka City Government as an organization engaged in promoting waste reduction and appropriate waste management


11. Fukusaki Factory and Logistics Center certified under ISO14001, the international standard for environmental management systems


4. Quality and Environmental Management Division

…After the Fukusaki Factory achieved ISO14001 certification, the Quality Assurance Division was renamed as the Quality and Environmental Management Division to strengthen the Group-wide environmental management initiative.

6. Executive Officer System introduced

…Separation of decision-making and supervising functions from business execution functions and clarification of business execution responsibilities


- Low-emission vehicles, including hybrids, introduced to the corporate sales car fleet

1. Environmental Policies for Mandom's head office building established

4. Environmental management system for Mandom's head office building begins to operate

12. Code of Conduct Promotion Committee established to ensure compliance management

12. Helpline System introduced (The scope of the system was expanded to include business partners in 2007.)


10. Fukusaki Factory achieves zero waste emissions

10. Environmental Report issued

11. "Always Casual Wear" policy introduced

…Aiming to enable employees to choose an outfit suited to a business setting, helping them improve their work productivity and fashion sense


3. Fukusaki Factory, Logistics Center and Production Engineering Division achieve Occupational Health and Safety Management System (OHSAS18001) certification

9. Mandom issues its first environmental report: "Environmental Communication Report 2004"

10. Logistics operations outsourced to Nippon Express Co., Ltd. to improve logistics efficiency


4. Compensation Committee established

…Chaired by an independent outside executive, the committee was established as part of the initiative to strengthen corporate governance.

4. Environmental Initiatives Division established to strengthen environmental management

…Environmental management duties were spun off from the Quality and Environmental Management Division to strengthen corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives through environmental risk management practices.

6. Retirement benefits for directors and corporate auditors abolished

…Ensuring objectivity and transparency of executive compensation


7. Environmentally friendly high-efficiency boilers installed at Fukusaki Factory

10. Fukusaki Factory receives the High Pressure Gas Safety Institute of Japan's Chairman's Award


1. Work rules revised to prepare for the citizen judge system to be introduced in 2009

…Fully understanding the significance of the citizen judge system and creating an environment in which employees can fulfill their responsibilities as a judge without undue worries as well as any burden or disadvantage in their job if they are appointed as a judge

8. International Research Grants on Alternative to Animal Experiments launched to seek applications from the public

…The grants were launched as part of the initiative to develop alternatives to animal experiments under the principle of animal welfare.


4. Nominating Committee established

…Ensuring transparency and fairness in the executive appointment process

4. Power Monitoring System installed at Fukusaki Factory

…Logging data by production line to develop energy conservation improvement measures


4. Customer Satisfaction Assurance Division renamed as CSR Promotion Division, and Environmental Initiatives Section renamed as Environmental and Social Contribution Initiatives Division

…Commitment to corporate social responsibility and promotion of social contribution

9. Joined the United Nations Global Compact

10. Corporate Governance Guidelines published

11. Mandom receives a certificate of appreciation from the Japan Federation of the Blind for its tactile markings on products

…Body wash bottles featuring raised stripes, making it easier for vision-impaired consumers to recognize the products

11. CSR Promotion Committee (currently known as Sustainability Committee), chaired by President Executive Officer, established


6. Measures launched to prevent employees from leaving their jobs to care for their aging/sick family members as part of the initiative to help them achieve a work-life balance


4. Work-from-home system introduced as part of the work style reform

4. Environmental and Social Contribution Initiatives Division renamed as CSR Promotion Section

…For promoting CSR efforts comprehensively and expanding the organization's functions

5. New MANDOM MISSION established and VISION 2027 unveiled


3. Joined the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO)

6. Restricted stock compensation plan launched

…Reviewing the executive compensation program

6. Posts of advisors, honorary advisors and counselors abolished

…Strengthening effectiveness and transparency

8. Mandom Will Corp. established to utilize a diverse workforce and expand employment opportunities


4. Flexible working hour system introduced

…Aiming to enhance employees' productivity and creativity by making working hours flexible according to varying workloads and allowing them time to improve their health and learn

4. "Kurumin" certification granted

…The certification was granted for an increase in the percentage of eligible male employees taking childcare leave.

9. Mandom supports White Logistics Promotion Campaign and submits Voluntary Action Declaration


4. CSR Promotion Section of CSR Promotion Division reestablished as the ESG Promotion Division

…The functions of the CSR Promotion Section were incorporated into the corporate planning function in order to meet the growing demand for companies to be active in eco-friendliness, social contribution and governance functions, as well as to promote ESG efforts throughout the company and strengthen the ability to communicate such efforts to the outside world.

10. Joined the Clean Ocean Material Alliance (CLOMA)


2. Included in the FTSE Blossom Japan Index for the first time

2. Recognized as a "Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organization" in the large enterprise category

5. Sustainability Policies established, and material issues (materiality) in sustainability identified and disclosed

7. Participated in the MEGURU BOX Project, a demonstration experiment to collect used plastic

7 Joined the Japan Sustainable Palm Oil Network (JaSPON)

9. VI (visual identity) renewed and corporate slogan "BE ANYTHING, BE EVERYTHING" introduced

9. A total of 1,728 solar panels installed on the roof of Fukusaki Factory


- Started donating mangrove trees in Indonesia

5. Participated in the Cosme Bank Project

…Supporting a project designed to deliver cosmetics to mothers in single-parent families, which is run by the General Incorporated Association Bank for Smiles

6. Awarded the top 3-star ranking, under Osaka City's Leading Company in Women's Advancement certification program

6. Mandom expressed its agreement with the recommendations by the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) and joined the TCFD Consortium

7. Joined the Japan Circular Economy Partnership (J-CEP)


2. Granted the Award of Excellence in the large companies category under Osaka City's Leading Company in Women's Advancement certification program by the Mayor of Osaka

4. Corporate Strategy Division, Corporate Administration Division, and ESG Promotion Division integrated into the newly established Corporate Planning Division

…Aiming to implement sustainable management by responding flexibly and speedily to drastic changes in the business environment

4. Job-type personnel system launched as part of MHRX(Mandom HR Transformation)initiative

4. Medium- to long-term targets for material issues (materiality) in sustainability disclosed

4. Solar panels installed on the roof of Factory 2 (plastic container molding plant) in Indonesia

5. Solar panels installed on the roof of Factory 1 (manufacturing plant) in Indonesia


3. Set a Group-wide target regarding water resource

4. Introduction of CxO system to strengthen group management execution structure

…we aim to optimize the allocation of management resources, speed up decision-making, accelerate innovation and increase growth potential.